Hawaii H1N1 preparedness test disburses medicine
Hawaii tests emergency response to swine flu outbreak; supplies were distributed to more than 40 locations statewide in about seven hours; said incident commander for the exercise: “We consider that a great success”
Purdue University, 21CSI to pursue homeland security opportunities
The two organizations will collaborate in implementing new decision support tools and processes at the federal, state, and local levels
Google analyzes flu Web searches to create early warning system
Google’s public Flu Trends system, for example, is designed to pick up early clues by tracking and analyzing Internet searches for flu information
New iPhone app locates, reports H1N1 outbreaks
New app pinpoints outbreaks that have been reported in the vicinity of the user and offering the opportunity to search for additional outbreak information by location or disease
Swine flu: 10 things you should know
A White House report from an expert panel suggests that from 30 percent to half the U.S. population could catch swine flu during the course of this pandemic and that from 30,000 to 90,000 could die
Stanford researchers aim to stretch limited supply of flu vaccine
Stanford researchers begin trials which, if successful, it could mean that doctors would give people one swine flu shot instead of the anticipated two doses spread three weeks apart
New Orleans storm pumps do not protect city
The Army Corps of Engineers quickly installed new storm control pumps in New Orleans in the months after Katrina; trouble is, these pumps do not protect the city, the the Corps could have saved $430 million in replacement costs by buying proven equipment
Mustard-gas leak detected in Denver Army base
No emergency at Army Pueblo Chemical Depot; the depot has 780,000 mustard-gas-filled projectiles that are about 60 years old; the 2-foot-long artillery shells were brought to the Pueblo depot in 1952; crews investigate
WHO issue antiviral flu recommendations
The World Health Organization issued recommendations for antiviral treatment of both seasonal and swine flu; the guidelines represent the consensus reached by an international panel of experts who reviewed all available studies on the safety and effectiveness of these drugs
Government's flu season recommendations for companies
Toughing it out is not the solution; the U.S. government hopes that workers who think they may be coming down with something will stay home so as not to infect their coworkers
Mega-quake could strike near Seattle
New study shows that two massive tectonic plates colliding 25 miles or so underneath Washington state’s Puget Sound basin; findings suggest that a mega-earthquake could strike closer to the Seattle-Tacoma area, home to some 3.6 million people, than was thought earlier
"Active cloak" protects buildings from earthquakes
Researchers say real objects could be cloaked by active cloaking — which means the technology uses devices that actively generate electromagnetic fields rather than being composed of “metamaterials” (exotic metallic substances) that passively shield objects from passing electromagnetic waves
Medical experts divided on swine flu precautions
Sixty public health officials, epidemiologists, and flu researchers worldwide about what, if any, personal precautions they have taken as the autumn flu season hits; there is no consensus
TeleContinuity, SRA to support national communication system
TeleContinuity will help the National Communications System’s (NCS) national security and emergency preparedness programs in providing critical continuity of communications expertise, preserving the ability of federal agencies to maintain Continuity of Government (COG) when it is most vital - during disasters, emergencies, evacuations, or pandemics
Third patient dies of plague in remote Chinese town
Chinese authorities have sealed off a remote Chinese town after an outbreak of pneumonic plague; authorities have set up a cordon with a 17-mile radius around the town of Ziketan; public buses were pulled off the streets, and the police is patrolling on the streets, advising shops to close