Easy Jet adopts luggage-free passenger policy
The long lines at airport security checkpoints are now routine. If the Coalition for Luggage Security had anything to do with it, these lines would disappear. The Coalition said that Easy Jet of England has joined other airlines accepting the Coalition’s notion of separating passengers from luggage. America was previously acknowledged as the leader of worldwide innovation. We now arrive two hours before flights that only fly for one hour! As we queue up, undress in public, are demeaned by overly paid uniformed security guards, and force octogenarians in wheel chairs to be treated with little respect after many of them fought in wars to ensure our democracy; the action of our founding fathers against ignorance, taxation and tyranny may have to be revisited again, said Richard Altomare founder and chairman of the Coalition for Luggage Security, and CEO of Universal Express (OTCBB: USXP). Easy Jet is following Ryan Air and Flybe Air in adopting a no-luggage passenger approach, cutting waiting in line to about fifteen minutes, achieving quicker turn arounds, reduced fuel use, reduced security risks, and more effective use of employee resources.
-read more in this news release; the Coalition’s Luggage Security white paper; and see the Coalition Web site