Disaster reduction competition accepts nominations
The UN is holding the 20th disaster reduction competition, and to encourage more applicants to submit their proposals, it has opened the submission process a year ahead of time
The nomination process for the 2007 UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction is now open to individuals and institutions. These individuals and institutions may come from all sectors of society but should be involved in issues related to disaster risk reduction as 2007 is the 20th anniversary of the award. The UN Sasakawa Award selection process begins a year in advance and will remain open until 29 June 2007 in order to encourage more applicants to submit their applications. The Award ceremony will be held in conjunction with the 20th anniversary celebrations on Wednesday 10 October 2007.
-read more at UN Web site
MORE: The British Standard Institution (BSI) has published on its Web site the draft of its BS 25999-1