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DHS invites comments on SAFECOM

Published 22 December 2005

DHS invites public comments on program to coordinate public safety communications and interoperability

DHS has posted in the Federal Register an invitation to the public to offer comments on SAFECOM, the department’s program to coordinate public safety communications and interoperability. DHS says that SAFECOM aims to oversee all federal projects related to interoperability and that the department had worked with the public safety community to define the joint communications method. The notice says that “The SAFECOM Interoperability Baseline Survey, which was developed from this definition, will allow DHS to measure the current state of public safety communications interoperability among state and local public safety practitioners.” DHS will accept comments until 17 February 2006. All comments will be posted.

-read DHS notice in the Federal Register; to learn more about SAFECOM, see this DHS Web page

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