Cyber Storm drill under way
Nation-wide (indeed, international) cybersecurity drill under way
In what DHS describes the first international test of cyber preparedness, the department is trying to create a perfect cyber storm. As we reported a couple of weeks ago, the drill, code-named Cyber Storm, is simulating a series of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure facilities owned and operated by the private sector and in international, federal, and state governments in order to test the quickness and effectiveness of the response. The test is part of larger homeland defense plans and ordered by a presidential directive aiming to strengthen communications, coordination, and partnerships. The threats are fictitious and take place in a contained, secure environments.
The drill was planned for last fall but had to be postponed because of Hurricane Katrina, a test DHS failed. The test will test cyber readiness through the National Cyber Response Coordination Group. The test will not disrupt any real communication systems. Participants will attempt to identify issues affecting response and recovery, map out critical information-sharing paths and mechanisms between the private and public sectors, test decision making, ensure that communication flows properly between key players and develop a National Response Plan.
-read more in this report